Blogging has Become totally popular platform for several
functions and use some uses blog As Income perceive, some As Events Server and
other uses as pressure. For these reasons bloggers become popular and much
useful as serves life in some matters because lot of people blogging for
You might have a question to Ask how
do they manage to be paid….?
Yes people are making a lot of money in blogging How this ,
Google Become a great online paying Company by pressing what called Google Adsence into web pages
, These Ads are the source of traffic tracking
as long as many traffics you receive As more you earn money through
internet or online money making.
Now Let’s Come to
Our point how to Create and manage Blogs
There are several major steps to follow before you set up
and decide to be blogger,
Before anything you must have ideas what your blog will be dealing with,
you must select what contents will you be posting and sharing to audience, As
long you pick up best keywords about your site as will be easy to prepare
things to be posting,For example My Blog Deals with Technology Generally so it
gives easy to prepare for the posts .
Selecting King of blog you will be hosting, here there are options of
selecting Blog Host
here now our option for today Session we going to see in
Select Strong Domain
name ; Choosing Domain names which
is sound able helps to keep your blog in Search Engine traced easy why this….?
Choosing Domain unique makes your visitors claim for your site
For example;, Here Is what We say
selecting domain name if your domain name doesn’t appeared your required to keep selecting names
Let follow up stages in creating blogs with selected host
Search and start setting up everything from Creating
Account , this is first and primary stage for starting blogging
After Creating an
Account Which always will be accessed to your Blog then you meet this stage
Selecting The Domain AS Shown in screenshot below, This will be your site url
link for Search Engine
Setting up your Site Description, Description
shows a shot summary of blogs what is concerned about for example this
is domain for my site and its description is “Home Of Services” This
Describe or narrate a shot explanation about my site
Get Started, Navigate
your blog by setting up everything being in neat like choosing primary template
As later you may decide to download other templates, In this
stage we will choose local template available for blog
Then When Theme selected as shown in Screenshot, we apply
theme or template to entire blog and customize it orderly
Now we can do some Navigation tab like home menu about us
and others, But Here be sure don’t mix things up you might end up changing
theme always while everything was pretty settled be carefully.
When Theme Selected, We deploy the whole blog appearance by
clicking to the upper right corner where there is “backup/restore” Till Here our Blog will be customized
well the rest things are normally needs code knowledge, that you could keep learning how to customize/
edit HTML Code which are generally the
site markup
Thanks being with me
to this Session, NEXT Session