How to recover facebook Account when You can No longer login


Whether your Facebook Account is hacked and changed your user name or password or you forget the password or user name, here you not Alone we help to solve such questions with no charges, relax and follow the following hints to recover your Facebook account.

1:Try default account recovery?

It might be your account has been hacked or you forget login user name and you cannot access your account anymore ,first identify your account and use Recovery Email option and phone number.

When successfully managed to identify your Account,will be shown the reset page of your code sent to your recovery way either phone number or through Email If you manage to regain access to your account this way and if you suspect that your account was hacked, immediately change your password and update your contact information. Be sure to remove any email addresses or phone numbers that are not your own or that you can no longer access them.

2:Are you not longer have access to contact options or your information Changed ?

Usually, it’s not possible to recover an account using the options above,becourse sometimes you can see you can not able have access to the email address and phone number or a hackers changed this information. In that case, Facebook allows you to specify a new email address, which they will use to contact you about recovering your account.To start this process, click the link No longer have access to these? in the bottom right on the reset password page to start the recovery process.

Then will be given a part to fill about your security option and recovry your password in the spot.Hence if you will be able to aswer them quickly will be given about 24 hours waiting time for resuming your password and precautions.

3:Do you have trusted friends you know Can help out recovery your Account ?

IF you Failed to Answer the questions of point 2,facebook will help you with this section to fill out whether you remember any friends from your previous Account,Then if you identified who you know in the selection option of your friends you will be able to reset your password and facebook account.

4:Your Account Was Hacked

Incase that your account was hacked and is posting spam to your friends walls while you can no longer access it, you should report your Facebook account As compromised.

 This will only work out if the outlined  point one is different. While you will use the same information to identify your account, in the following step you will be able to use either a current or an old Facebook password to recover your account.

This is useful in case a hacker changed your password, but may also come in handy in case you forgot your new password. And not otherwise.

5:None Above Option? ?

Maybe your situation is different from the scenarios described above and hence the suggested solutions won’t work. In that case I recommend you view the report Abuse or policy violation section within the Facebook Help Center for additional options in your specific case. The page contains comprehensive information on how to report impostors or scams and advice on what to do with accounts of deceased friends or someone who posted a suicidal comment.


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