Writing blog post its like driving,(read and write articles
which direct your bog post) you can study highway code or rules for 2 weeks,but
you cant study how those wheels and hitting the open road does.
Now As you plan to grow your bussness with blog You need
write really life concern and sometimes try to spend time in finding research
how do your post matter to the readers
Once you have decided to be blogger use your time in writing
posts which are skillfully and would not bore for readers,its cool just make
sure you plann for post
-what should be
-draw even some hints like when you where driving that in
roads there are cycles and corners to turn them so here now you can draw your plan
but it’s
important to spend those vital hours planning your post and even thinking about
your post (yes, thinking counts as working if you’re a blogger) before you
actually write it.
Keep your sentence with paragrap
Here what’s matter most
before writing a post pick one which is interesting you before readers whats
interest you will also be others or readers interest .
Whever northing is best
for northing try yourself be creatively and make the post more uniqueness don’t
try copying and pasting others,ypu need to be sharp thinker and writte your own
Avoid these things before
picking your topic
Repeatation of
Quoting other
Thinking of
your bestness on writing here think that your not perfect
Be sure of
your ideas
Here whats matter most Every one have a head
wherever you pick a tittle makes sure the head and the story inside are interrelated
or alike don’t try to cheat for readers making headings differ with the post
body wil make them mad and keep avoiding reading your post Sometimes I’ll come
up with a strong headline from the outset and stick with it, whereas other
posts will take a lot more work. Although sites such as Upworthy arguably
ruined internet writing with theirclickbait headlines, the process behind the site’s
headlines has merit, as it forces you to really think about your post and how to grab
your audience’s attention.
Similary to the heading write content which
are Even if you work more effectively in
short bursts, try to maximize the amount of writing you get done in those
sessions. The more times you have to revisit a draft, the more tempting it is
to add a little here, and a little there, and before you know it, you’ve gone
wildly off-topic. Get as much done as you can in a single sitting even if you
prefer to draft a blog post over three or four writing sessions.
As you wrote some contents and you want to link
with images there should be called image tells true means the story and image
should be proportional Everyone likes a good laugh, and a well-chosen image can
help lighten the tone of your posts and inject some much-needed humor into a piece. This can be
particularly effective if you’re writing about a dry (or flat-out boring) topic.
Actually writing a blog post is hard. Editing a blog post is
harder. Many people mistakenly assume that editing is simply striking through
sentences that don’t work or fixing grammatical errors. Although sentence
structure and grammar are both very important, editing is about seeing the
piece as a whole and, sometimes, being willing to sacrifice words (and the
hours it took to write them) for the sake of cohesion.
won’t explicitly tell you to check your spelling and grammar – you should be
doing that anyway. I will, however, offer some suggestions on how to tighten up
your writing so that it packs a punch and keeps your readers scrolling.
read your post
aloud before publishing
This works to avoid repeatation of words or sentence,grammatically
mistakes now when your louder to here yourself you can understand that the matter
you wrote its