Now you want to apply for google Adsence and enjoy a
life you dreamed about all the time Either in blog or other associated sites
with adsence ,But instantly you ask yourself
these questions
· How
to apply?
· What
qualification do your blog need to have?
· What
right time to apply?
· Whats
are eligibility anyway for Google Adsense?
What are requirements for Google Adsense?
What are requirements for Google Adsense?
· And
so many confusing questions that your brain has created
Netherless,This Article is going to cut off all your equations
concerned the Application of Google Adsence,relax and take time
Google Adsense Is the one and only trustworth network for
advertising placement service. The
program is designed for website and other sites like you tube publishers who
want to display their banners, video or image advertisements on website pages
and earn money when site visitors view or click the ads.
Why them…?
Google are worldwide network company which is servicing 100%
efficient or working with companies and individuals reliably
Their payment are better than other networks so many companies
has decided to contract with them,Hence Google are working with many people
around the world
But since
Everybody is looking for Google Adsense They had setted very restricted policy to be approved for
individual application and once your site is out of their rules will reject
your Adsense Application
content or Unacceptable content
Your site/blog doesn’t have Enough text for Google
reviews then will be out of their policies and will be easly rejected .
Google has lot of attention and value to the content
of site before accepting it,whether your contents are more involving images or
videos will also be rejected .
Not only content, but also contents part especially
grammatically mistake,poor written,either doesn’t follow where paragraph should
stand, where should be commas ,where should be nuctors and semi colon placement.
Also content should be original written,without tricked
of any cases like copied or edited from other site,here google are clear and
sensitive on it will be rejected
Headings should relate with the contents or
something else like images should themselves talk
of your site
Your blog should be neat clean and impressive to
readers,arrange colors well and your contents you should have same size.what if
background has fully yellow color and text have red color and some whites to
the paragraph,only you will be rejected.
And readers will never visit your blog again,Blogs
which are very poor designed pages not linked to specific posts or doesn’t
direct specifically will be rejected by Google Adsense
NOTE:Make sure your blog look pretty beautifully for
Privacy policy,About Us or Contact Us
Privacy policies directs visitors what they don’t
and does,and and help them to clarify the abusive manners in blog and make them
reported as abusive so this is very important.
Same As About
us and contact us these finds out visitors may need contact blogger so you
should specify your Emails which Will be connected or used in application of
Adsense ,And here tell readers that any cases concerned Advertisements will be
your case they have to face for the owners of that banner,Therefore these must
be connected to your blog pages otherwise will never be approved by Google
Most of bloggers are bloggers they have faced these
problems too,Before applying to google Adsense your blog should be at least
aged of 6 months from day one or day your created your blog.unless you have
third part sites
This too will be considered with google Adsense the
time reviwing your blog for approval
other Ad Networks Before Applying to Google Adsense
Whether you have other contract with next network
make sure you cut them off or remove them from your page before new application
with Google
Doesn’t Comply with Google Policies
Your Articles which are not unique or have
copyrights or poor traffic will lead to objection of blog with Google Adsense